Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Mar 14 Juil 2020 - 9:55
J'aime bien cette chanson Céline, je l'écoutais souvent quand elle est sortie. Et c'est vrai que les paroles collent bien à ta situation.
Pour ce qui me concerne actuellement, c'est plutôt ça; c'est comme ça...:
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Mer 5 Aoû 2020 - 8:58
Massive Attack et Ludovico Einaudi
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Sam 15 Aoû 2020 - 15:03
Grosse fatigue ces derniers jours. Et aujourd'hui, je me suis injectée leur incroyable reprise en vitamine C'est beau. Alchimie et feu d'artifice.
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Sam 15 Aoû 2020 - 15:28
c'est du 432 Hz ?
c'est vrai que c'est con que Taratata se soit arrêté .
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Dim 16 Aoû 2020 - 4:28
J'sais pas pour la fréquence , mais je vibre toute entière. Ça me traverse de partout et au-delà.
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Dim 16 Aoû 2020 - 12:39
Mon humeur du dernier jour de mes vacances estivales (et demain ce sera une autre chanson puisque retour au taf ...). Qui veut danser ?
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Ven 4 Sep 2020 - 6:01
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Jeu 10 Sep 2020 - 14:16
The first thing that you'll notice is some separation from each other Yes it's a lie, we've been believing since time in memorial There was an apple, there was a snake, there was division There was a split, there was a conflict in the fabric of life One became two and then everyone was out for themselves Everyone was pitted against each other conflict ruled the realm All our devotions and temperaments are pulled from different wells They seem to easily forget we are made of the same cells To my boy, all that energy so wild Of your hues and your blues in equal measure Your comings and your goings-away My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze Second thing you'll notice is that often we think that there's not enough It might feel dark, it might feel lonely and you wonder why you're here You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness But it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the one-ness To my girl, all your innocence and fire When you reach out, I am here hell or high water This nest is never going away My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze And this cord is unbreakable This pilot light is there in your pocket And this bond, beyond un-shakeable Even if we all forget All at the same time If we forget at the same time To my boy, my precious gentle warrior To your sweetness and your strength in exploring May this bond stay with you through your days My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze To my girl, all your innocence and fire When you reach out, I am here hell or high water This nest is never going away My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze To my boy The first thing that you'll notice is that everything is temporary To my girl Next you might notice is that we will always be a family To my boy My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Sam 19 Sep 2020 - 7:41
Sujet: Re: humeur du jour.... Dim 20 Sep 2020 - 9:02